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Sometimes, you do not know how much your soul needs something until the ache you have carried for so long is suddenly no longer with you. Sometimes, the Lord refreshes you in ways unimaginable and leads you into a Promised Land of fulfillment for moments that leave you breathless. These moments defined my Easter weekend. I know words will not truly do justice to the beauty of the time my friends and I shared, but I wanted to try to capture at least a fraction of it. Two things stand out. First, the simple moments of God-sent perfection and second, the depth of love felt within my heart.

Perfection came in belly laughter, in carrot soufflĂ©, in grey clouded skies that drooped so low it felt as though you could touch a cloud if you reached high enough. Perfection arrived in a playful, clumsy-pawed puppy, in Gigi’s strawberry cake, in trees and tulips that announced springtime’s arrival in East Tennessee. I use the word perfect because I know that these things came from the ultimate perfection of a God who loves so deeply, He blesses in details such as these (James 1:17).

Although miles and months separated our friendship, our reunion felt as though no time had passed. I found myself wishing I could press pause in time just so I could soak in the amount of love I felt in specific moments. Stories were shared and hearts were held in the stillness of support and the intentionality of deep questions.

Both of these things refreshed my spirit. They encompassed soul-sister secrets that leave others pondering the mystery of spoken words said in silence. Pastureland walks as the sun set behind wooded fields. lazy morning rocking chairs which invite one into the purpose of each day.

This trip reminded me of the sacredness of entering rest as a way to acknowledge the sovereignty of God. Practicing the stillness of rest draws one closer in relationship to the Lord because you enter His design for mankind to participate in Sabbath. Consequently, one is able to witness His hand in each moment of the day and acknowledge the strength of the Spirit. Chris Heuertz explains it this way, "When we don't honor our rhythms and neglect caring for ourselves, then the luxury of sabbatical ends up being wasted on recovery." To enter the deep rest of a vacation, we must enter daily rest or we face recovery first. May we rely on the Spirit to draw us into daily rest (Matthew 11:28-30). May we savor the company of friends who beckon us into this rest, making it sweet and memorable. May we be diligent in daily rest being present with the Lord in the moments which make up minutes of our day.


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