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The Roots of Friendship

One month ago, we celebrated Kelsey's birthday. Weeks in advance, I schemed with two friends a plan to surprise her. We decided to have a picnic under her favorite tree. Before I continue about this birthday, let me give you some context to this tree.
Two years ago, I and four other girls from across the US came to live, study and work in 75790, East Texas. As new Texans, our first outing into town brought us many memories and introduced us to the tree when we passed it on the road. From that day forward, each time we passed the tree (which was often because it was on the main country road to drive to town) Kelsey commented on how much she loved it. The tree stands in a vast field off of a county road. It is an old Red Oak which reaches tall and whose branches extend for ages. While we all recognized how majestic the tree looked, Kelsey was the one who truly admired it. She joked about meeting the owners of the property and asking to take a picture. As her best friends, we decided to incorporate the tree to her birthday, little did we know the process would be extensive.
Initially, I decided to drive down the tree property's private road and flat out ask the owners for permission to have a picnic beneath the tree. Once I told my friend, Sara, this idea, she said, "We're in Texas, someone will come out and shoot you for trespassing." Naturally, I went anyways and took Sara with me. We pulled down the road and soon my confidence left me. We drove for a solid minute before we came to any trace of a home. Once the home came into view, my jaw dropped. It was a Texas mansion! Two large trucks sat next to the garage and a Corvette was parked in the driveway. My heart started racing as I pulled the keys out of the ignition and opened my car door. We walked slowly around the vehicles and saw two small bikes and pink Barbie toys. I told my Sara, "Yes, we're safe! These people have kids!" We approached the front door and knocked. Nothing. I knocked again and waited. Still nothing. With no paper or pen to leave a note, we decided to return home and mail a letter. As we pulled out of the home, I wrote the address and decided a letter would ensure us a ticket to the tree.
One week after I mailed the letter I heard nothing. Kelsey's birthday was in one week, and I felt the pressure of time. Sara and I took another drive to the house. Again, no one was home. Disappointed, I decided to do some additional footwork. After some serious googling and networking, I got the owner's names and contact information. The tree was finally secured with one last drive to the home and Sara asking the owner's permission. The sweet family generously said yes. Two days later we celebrated Kelsey with a blindfolded drive to her favorite tree and a picnic of her favorite snacks. The following week I received the letter I wrote returned with "Wrong address" written on the label.
This story reminds me of the adventures over the past two years in Texas and the kindred spirits I've found in the women I live with. These true women have pushed me to the cross and challenged me to be better. God uses them to help heal my hurts and to stand beside me in the fight for freedom. How vital are the individuals God places in our lives to uplift us in His love. I pray you seek a community of support such as these women. May God grant you individuals who will listen with acceptance, share with you honestly, and always embrace the whimsical, intentional moments of life.


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