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Tis the season for grateful hearts and appreciation for all one possesses.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
James 1:17
I want to share a story of a perfect gift I received a few weeks ago.
As mentioned, I serve as an Outdoor Education Instructor for a camp called, Sky Ranch. A wonderful aspect of this job is dressing up as a variety of historical characters to bring teaching to life for students. One of the history classes is called American Indians. For this class, my staff members and I dress up as Natives and instruct students in the Indian lifestyle. Student groups are led into the woods and transported on a "time trail" to the year 1686, when French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle came to trade with the Natives for furs. Students rotate from instructor to instructor in small groups learning topics such as weapons, war, hunting, gathering, different tribes, etc. Students meet La Salle, and each Native introduces themselves. Instructors choose a variety of names, from Whispering Pine and River Dancer to Drop Bear and Pumpkin Spice (my personal favorite name because it typically gets a good laugh from parents and chaperones)
One day, We taught this course in rainy, 40-degree weather. While this temperature is a paradise for some, as a native Californian, I was frigid. After the initial excitement of student arrival, my soaked moccasins began to send shivers up my spine. With each rotation of student groups, some of the students commented with giggles, "Pumpkin Spice, your lips are blue." I nodded and continued teaching. Then, the second to last rotation group brought me a pleasant surprise. One of my students not only noticed my goosebumps, but he did something about it. He raised his hand and asked, "Does Pumpkin spice want to trade?" Pumpkin Spice had nothing to give in return, he finished his bracelet and needed no more beads or string. Confused, I told him I had nothing to give in return, and He reached into his pocket and gave me a hand warmer. He said, "Pumpkin spice keeps it." I was astounded. This little 5th grader showed one little act of kindness. I was thankful for that little warmer, which lasted me all day long. When the cold crept into my bones, I focussed on the warmth of that hand warmer and smiled thinking of May this remind you no matter how small the gesture or gift, one genuine act of kindness can bring the greatest gift to someone. What a wonderful God we have who takes care of us in the most detailed moments of our day.

All my love,


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