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Showing posts from November, 2015

Chesterton on Perspective

A few months ago, I read a piece from G. K. Chesterton in The Illustrated London News. Chesterton’s article makes light of the daily inconveniences encountered in life by utilizing a poetic tone of adventure inspired by imagination. He exposes the reality of thinking with a wrong mindset, encourages readers towards a comical viewpoint, and guides readers to a foundation of faith in all circumstances. Chesterton reveals the reality of a negative mindset too often occupied by so many individuals. He opens with the news of London flooding and categorizes the event as a typical inconvenience faced by humankind. Then he mentions the constant rush in finding an opportunity to grumble about such inconveniences. He exposes such grumbling as negativity. He explains the error of such a viewpoint when he states, "an adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered," Clearly he stands by the incorrect nature ...


Tis the season for grateful hearts and appreciation for all one possesses. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17 I want to share a story of a perfect gift I received a few weeks ago. As mentioned, I serve as an Outdoor Education Instructor for a camp called, Sky Ranch. A wonderful aspect of this job is dressing up as a variety of historical characters to bring teaching to life for students. One of the history classes is called American Indians. For this class, my staff members and I dress up as Natives and instruct students in the Indian lifestyle. Student groups are led into the woods and transported on a "time trail" to the year 1686, when French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle came to trade with the Natives for furs. Students rotate from instructor to instructor in small groups learning topics such as weapons, war, hunting, gath...

"One Another"

Last Sunday we examined the 99 scripture references that include the "one another" commands. These are the commands given that instruct believers on how to treat one another. Various instructions including: live at peace, love, be of the same mind, encourage, forgive, be kind, etc. Of the 99 verses, the command to love one another occurs over 15 times. Therefore, this command proves significant. In fact, Christ said in Matthew 26:36-40 "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.'" Our second greatest commandment is to love one another. Upon examining the love verses, one discovers that this is only possible when you follow Christ's example and understand God's love. For example, John 13:34 "A new commandment I g...