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Rock and Roll

Part of the advice we were given prior to leaving for Oxford was to become involved and get connected in Oxford activities, sports, societies, etc. We were encouraged to go for things we enjoyed doing as well as to try new things. I took this advice to heart. However, I wonder if this advice should, perhaps, come with a warning label.
I combined trying something new with one of my passions and joined Oxford's Rock and Roll dance team. Now, I know what you're thinking, What is rock and roll dance? I asked the same exact question when I first heard of it. In fact, I thought it sounded awful and was going to avoid going to the free taster session. I am grateful I did not.
The best explanation of rock and roll dance I can attempt would be to tell you to picture the tight kicks and punches of cheerleading, coupled with the acrobatics, all joined to a partner. A bit confusing, right? Here is a video of our trainers, Amy and Adrian, and other team members performing the routine which won them the competition to provide you with a better image: (
Now that you have a better picture, I can tell you why it has become one of my favorite things about Oxford.

After every session, no matter how difficult, sweaty, bruise giving, or exhausting, I always walk home smiling ear to ear. I usually have the song from My Fair Lady playing in my head, "I could have danced all night, "I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more." I feel empowered when I dance with my partner because we work together to perform. I feel as though Rock and Roll allows me to showcase my personality. The energetic, up-beat, fun, daring, confident and sassy style of dance provides me with a way to express myself and have a ball doing so. But the best part is, it isn't about me. It is not a solo look-at-me moment. In reality, it is quite the opposite. Rock and Roll is about giving all of the energy and confidence to your partner, simultaneously feeding off of theirs. It is a difficult balance of timing and position to perfect routines.
Practices are always full of laughing and sweat. On Tuesdays, we try new acrobatics moves, and I am consistently amazed at the accomplishments made. We begin with a preview of a move from Adrian and Amy. Usually, I am wide eyed, jaw dropped, thinking, "There's no possible way I could do that." Then, by the end of the evening, I am performing the same move, flying into the air or flipping upside down.

Usually, we practice Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Sometimes from Thursday to Sunday feels endless because there are two full days in between practices, compared to the one day in between other days. So, Friday and Saturday can feel ever so long. Luckily Friday and Saturday are usually my most busy days. I am typically engaged in continual activity from morning to late evening on these days. Yet, I catch myself imagining a routine over and over again, laughing as I remember times I tripped over myself or times I did not trust my partner and chickened squeemishly out his arms before an acrobatics move.

Now, to bring me back to my original questioning of advice for future Oxford students. Perhaps I would encourage students to become involved but caution them that it will make it much more difficult to leave. Sometimes, after my dancing high has calmed down and I begin to feel my bruises and sore muscles, I wonder if this is what returning home will feel like. Will I return home and eventually feel the sting of leaving this incredible team? Am I setting myself up for failure by practicing with the team, knowing I will leave in a month? I avoid thinking of leaving Oxford. I thoroughly enjoy rock and roll and my teammates. I took the advice given to me and I would say become involved but wisely, remembering the reality of goodbye.

May you know what it is to feel connected. May you know what it feels like to be empowered and skilled. May you know what it is to have a way to express yourself. May you know that expression is worship to the almighty God who created you with uniquely wonderful gifts, hand-crafted by Him.
All my love,


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