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Just a Bit About Oxford University

Oxford University itself does not have a campus. In fact, that is one telltale way to pin point a tourist. Oxford has 38 different colleges, which means there are 38 separate campuses. The colleges function independently from the University; however, their relationship is essential. A similar parallel, which can hopefully give you a better understanding, would be the relationship between the US Federal government and the separate States. Just as each state governs, they are also united under the federal government. And just as each state clings to their independence, so does each college… with fierce pride I might add. Therefore, as a student, your college affiliation determines much of your identity in Oxford. Your allegiance lies with your college.
My college happens to be New College, properly titled, “The College of St. Mary of Winchester at Oxford” but referred to as New College to differentiate from Oriel College, which was also dedicated to St. Mary.
New College is far from new.
Founded in 1379 by William of Wykeham, New possesses some of the oldest architectural designs in Oxford and in all of England. New is virtually invisible from the outside but once inside, you feel a bit like, Alice lost in the maze of Wonderland. The ancient architecture includes one of the oldest Quadrangles in England’s universities to be designed as a whole, containing the essential elements required for a college (Chapel, Hall, Library, Tower, and Chambers).
The Chapel is one of the best aspects of New and no, that’s not just because I love Jesus. The Chapel is home to the colleges’ world famous choir, who hold a sung service each weekday evening and Sunday. The chapel is split into two parts: the Chapel and the Ante-Chapel. When I first heard this I thought, So, people who like chapel and the sinners who don’t? Just kidding. Ante-Chapel simply refers to the cross bar of the T in the shape of the building, whereas the Chapel is the vertical section. Some of the Chapel windows display beautiful images of biblical stories. The nativity scene and creation scene are two primary windows which showcase such beauty; although, Adam and Eve have received alterations over time. What began as man and woman dressed in fig leaves became a man in leopard skin and a woman displaying a velvet robe. These alterations took place due to accusations of “indecency.” The couples’ bare feet, however, expose the initial portrayal in the garden.

Another incredible aspect of New is the gardens, which have perfectly manicured grasses and exquisite trees. Walking in the gardens, you cannot help but think about the ancient scholars who walked the same path that your feet tread.

Some Hollywood connections to New include famous Alumni Hugh Grant and Kate Beckinsale, among others. Also, for all the Harry Potter fans out there, one of the garden trees is featured in the fourth film of the Potter series.

Learning about my college has been incredible, soaking up the information and being extremely appreciative for those who have preserved the history of each stone.

I pray that the Lord brings you an appreciation for the history around you, that you may take advantage of the things and people He has placed in your life to connect you to the history that He has written.
All My Love,


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