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Showing posts from December, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I'm home at last. This is my smiling face hugging my Dad as I stepped off of the plane after 30 plus hours of traveling. I was huddled in a blanket, remembering the chill of a Northern California winter as I now cover my African sun kissed arms from the 42 F air. But it feels like Holidays and the warmth of love and laughter from family and friends fills my heart and I am happy. May the Holiday season bring you reason to celebrate the wonderful gifts in your life. May you praise the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, knowing that He has offered the best gift of all, salvation and life everlasting in His name. All My Love, Gennavieve

I'll be in my Momma's arms soon

This is a candid photo of me and my Momma, taken on my departure to Africa, three months ago. Looking at it now, I realize just how far I've come and how much I have experienced while in South Africa. I praise God for all of the incredible learning lessons and growth opportunities I have been blessed with. I never would have imagined what God had in store for me. May you pause to reflect on the faithfulness of Christ in your life throughout the past year, knowing that as the end of the year draws near, He still has a future planned for you. All My Love, Gennavieve


Today I turned twenty one. Today I hiked up one of the seven natural wonder's of the world, Table Mountain. Today I soaked up the glory of God. Today I was blessed by those who love me. Let's start from the beginning... This morning, I woke up to, what my four lovely flat mates had created, a room covered in streamers. Next, I set out to hike up Table Mountain and was blown away by the view. These are some pictures on the drive there and at the base before ascending the mountain. We were given three hours to reach the top and meet with our group. I made it to the top in exactly one hour. Praise the Lord for a body that matches my active attitude. I started at 9:18am and pushed to reach the top at 10:18am! Prior to starting the trail, one of our CLC's, Reagan, had announced some logistic details, "We're all going to meet at the top at half past noon. If you are one of the crazy ones, like Peter and Casey(who are two of the guys in our semester with a re...

When Happiness Comes From the Oven

Another great thing about being with Ma and Pa is being able to show my love, through baking. One of the things I was able to make were mint chocolate chip muffins. They were the perfect treat for the night. May you indulge your taste buds with a sweet treat today. All My Love, Gennavieve

Robben Island

Here's a view from Robben Island, a land watered by the sweat and tears of many painful memories but the gift of this island is found in the hope it brings today. Today we took a ferry to South Africa’s historically rich Robben Island, learning about the progression of its uses and the significant landmarks that stand today. From the year 1846 to 1931, the island was used as a hospital for the mentally ill and those with leprosy. The lepers were banished to the island because there was no known cure. Men and women were separated from one another to avoid reproduction; however, 43 children were still conceived, despite efforts. These children were taken away to the mainland and held for adoption. Doctors were not provided for the lepers because the hope was that as the people died, so would the disease. Altogether, there were 1,500 counted dead from leprosy. This picture is the leper graveyard. The island also held prisoners, primarily political leaders who were see...

Time for Church

This is the St. Anthony's Catholic Church, the church where Ma and Pa attend. The location of the church is atop a hill that overlooks the wonderfully vibrant hues the ocean's blues and greens. The architecture is simple yet lovely. The entire time I was in service, I could not help but think of my Nona, whose commitment to her catholic church is admirable and dedication to prayer, inspiring. May you discovery the beauty in liturgy and the healing power in scripted prayers. All my Love, Gennavieve