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Final hike in Pietermaritzburg

The day before I left the campus of AE, where I had spent the past 46 days studying and living, I went on a hike to discover a rumored third waterfall. I went with three of the guys, starting at a jog to begin our trek towards the goal of finding the final waterfall. Our mission was accomplished and God blessed us with even more. We ventured up the hill and off of the cement path, through mud sliding steps we came to a fence, which didn’t stop us, we simply army crawled right under the wires onto different property. Casey warned, “Alright, if anyone asks, we’re dumb, lost Americans who are staying at AE and we just got lost.”
“Okay!” We chimed and continued on our way on foreign territory. We heard it before we saw it but the waterfall was just around the corner. It was not as majestically gigantic as the previous falls but it was taller. We reached the side and decided the only way to continue was to climb up the side of the falls and so we did. Initially, I looked at the side of the cliff and thought, There is absolutely no way this is happening! And then the guys began moving and I thought, There is no way I am being showed up by these guys or falling behind! So I moved, over rocks, on top of branches, my adrenaline pushing my every step. I was basically climbing over years of fallen trees and the rocky side of the cliff. With mud in my nails, branches in my hair and a determination that squelched the bit of fear I had, I stood at the top, looking down at the falls. After a few scrapes and scratches and feeling violated by a few twigs, I was proudly gazing eye-level at a mountainous scene, with giant grey clouds looming over me. Onward we went and discovered we had reached the side of the highway and to those who may have been looking at our gangly crew, must have had quite a giggle at the surprising state of the student group. Here we were a band of Americans who were sweaty, scratched up, and looking like a bunch of bandits covered with mud and twigs. I smiled to myself imagining those who spotted us and we continued. We came to an abandoned group of brick buildings, clumped together and hidden beneath a layer of rubble and vines. We were not along at this site; however, the thunder had followed us there and soon announced its arrival and was later accompanied by his lightening friend. Time seemed to pause, looking at the sky and breathing in the fresh jungle air. I will surely miss the accessibility of adventure in the wild nature that AE’s campus brought. There is something so peacefully magnificent about God’s creation. May the Lord bless you with His peace this week.
All my Love,


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