These past few weeks, I have been studying the book of Hebrews. This Biblical sermon possesses a theme of exhortation, encouraging listeners to cling to their faith amidst trying circumstances. Hebrews causes one to examine their faith seriously, asking Am I genuinely committed to Christ? How do I demonstrate my commitment to Him? Hebrews does not argue works as a means to salvation but works as a product of salvation. I ask myself, what am I doing to show others the amazing gift of salvation in my life? Salvation is a gift worth sharing. It is equally available to all who accept Jesus Christ. Furthermore, those who accepted the gift of salvation need a community of support, spurring one another on toward the faith we profess. Commentator, George Guthrie explains one receives salvation not only for themselves but for shining Christ's light to others. In the context of Hebrews, listeners are warned their actions hold greater implications than just in the context of their ...