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Showing posts from September, 2015

Some Things I've learned about Texas

After being here for just over a month, I thought I'd share some things I've learned about Texas... 1)Those who live in Texas, love Texas! 2) Texans also love their Barbecue! 3) Country music plays on most store speakers 4) "Ya'll" replaces "You Guys." 5) Trucks replace cars 6) Whataburger replaces McDonalds 7)The beverages of choice: Sweet Tea or Dr. Pepper 8) Breaking a sweat at 7:00 AM is typical 9) Texan flags and stars hang high and proud 10) Texans believe in "One Nation Under God," proudly displayed on restaurants and stores 11) Football... enough said 12) Frogs are like deer to the road; only they do less damage to the car 13) Doughnut shops are found on every street corner 14) No basements 15) Sonic replaces stop signs 16) When individuals do not understand something, instead of saying, "What?" they reply, "Do what?" 17) Rather than saying, "When..." people say, "Whenever". I a...


"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35 Since my journey to Texas, the theme of a community seems to be following me. I encountered community several times during various study-abroad cohorts, mission trips, and even within my home neighborhood. One can hardly attend a Christian gathering without hearing the word at least once or twice! However, this season is bringing me a deeper awareness of its significance. Last week, a school we instructed held a worship night in the auditorium. Their Bible teacher taught from John 13:35, and encouraged each student to search for how to love one another as their mission in spreading the gospel. I sat, blown away. Jesus did not ask for door to door evangelism, nor did he demand fancy words or theological debate, no giant show or far away travels. He said to love one another. Wow! Had I complicated evangelism so much? The love for one another demonstrates we are Christ's discip...

Mineola Nature Preserve

Last Monday, we ventured to the Mineola Nature Preserve. Over 2,500 acres of Texas scenery and rich history. Many of the trails have names of old streets. One of the trails, in particular, was used as an old railroad trek. Today, the trail holds evidence of the existence of railroads with tall beams among the trees and railroad nails and bolts hidden along the path. As I walked, I thought of all of the footsteps that walked before me, and I wondered what footprint I will make on the earth? May the imprint of our actions and words point others to Christ. All my love, Gennavieve


This Monday we visited Dallas Baptist University (DBU), where I am currently studying. The campus itself is beautiful and infused with Christian symbols. Stained glass, scripture lined benches, and saint statues scatter the grounds. Most of the buildings are modeled after historical landmarks, which make for beautiful white pillars and brick walls. The student houses are pastel colored, cookie cutter style homes all lined up like a perfect row of Easter eggs. Even the campus eateries are hidden in majestic buildings. The exterior proudly showcases a colonial style building but inside Chick Fil A serves chicken sandwiches. One would never guess! My studies are incredible. Two weeks in, and I am challenged, encouraged, and provoked to deep thought. My professors prove to be caring and highly intelligent. Each week, I participate in discussion boards for the courses, which enable student engagement and interaction. In one class in particular, the first discussion post quite intimidate...