I've realized I never published this post from my time studying in Costa Rica, one year ago to the day! Although a bit difficult to view because of the fog, this volcano houses a massive crater, the second largest in the world, as well as a massive lake. I remember this day being very surreal because of how many different sights I encountered in the duration of one single day. The morning began in the city, bustling as students, teachers, and family tried to pile into one van to the volcano. There was slight panic we would have to leave some hopeful guests behind because of the driver's seating limits, luckily he overlooked our guest count and continued on towards the volcano. The drive went quickly, but covered so much scenery: townships, churches, vineyards, and coffee farms scattered across the mountain. I remember conversation with fellow students, sharing my current struggle with graduation requirements at my university and feeling tense. I was encouraged by those...