I am blessed to be surrounded by strong Mother figures in my Mother, Nona, staff members, Nana, and Great Grandmother. Often, when I get together with my Great Grandmother, she reflects on days gone by, memories which reveal truth, bring laughter, and offer wisdom. I wrote this in honor of her, and of the mothers who hold precious memories. Remember Remember the moment you first learned of life? Kicking inside you as a young wife. Remember the bottles and burp rags, piled in your lap? Praying and hoping for just one little nap. Remember the first steps, teeth, and words? "Dada" and "Mama," or even "Big Bird." Remember the school days, lunches packed to go? Back back ready, pencils sharpened, favorite outfit to show. Remember the homework, it all must be done? The square root of 441 is 29, or was it 21? Remember the crushes, the hearts beating fast? Wises words come carefully, "Wait for the love which lasts." Remember graduat...