This past week, our student group visited Nicaragua and experienced several miracles from our mighty God. The miracles began before we even boarded the bus to depart at 6:30 in the morning. We were all lined up to check into travel and we discovered our professor's passport expired in five months, and the bus company would not permit her to travel across the boarder to Nicaragua. There we were, all packed and ready for our adventure and our own professor could not come. After a few phone calls, some serious prayer, and five hours of hoping things would work out, God miraculously provided her with a new passport. Miracle two came the next day. After a full day of walking in the humid heat, we were all exhausted. I have never experienced such debilitating heat in my life. The humidity makes the whole body sticky and slow. I am typically one to bounce around with mounds of energy; however, the Nicaraguan climate zapped every ounce of energy out of me. We were a sight for so...